Wednesday 25 May 2011

Setting Up a Wildcard SSL on CPanelWHM

A Wildcard Certificate means all of your sub-domains will resolve to the same location, regardless of the non-SSL Document-Root specification. A user will need to purchase a Wildcard SSL from a vendor or a reseller that supplies them.

Similar to having multiple certificates installed on a server, each sub-domain containing the certificate needs its own IP as well. Wildcard SSL's do not work like Wildcard DNS - you will have to specifically install the certificate on each sub-domain. Following are two methods to set up a Wildcard SSL for a domain.

Multiple Accounts

In a case where you have each sub-domain hosted as a separate cPanel account, and each cPanel account has its own IP address, then follow these steps:

Generate the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in WHM, using
There are two ways to change a site's IP address:
Via WHM:
Go to WHM > Change site's IP Address, select the account, then select the IP

Via Command Line:
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/setsiteip -u $user $ip

When you've obtained the certificate, go to WHM > Install a SSL Certificate and Setup the Domain and paste in the CRT and CA Bundle for *

The fields should auto-populate, in which case you need to make sure the IP is correct, then change the SSL hostname from to the target sub-domain
Click install to install the certificate
One Account

This method may be best for users that are not resellers or that are on shared hosting servers, where having multiple cPanel accounts may not be ideal. In this case, you'd have one cPanel account and assign multiple IPs to its sub-domains:

Generate the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in WHM, using

These are the steps to assign dedicated IPs to multiple sub-domains on the same account

Edit /var/cpanel/userdata/$USER/$SUBDOMAIN.$DOMAIN for each subdomain (for addon/parked domains you'll usually edit the file for the subdomain associated with the addon/parked domain) and change the IP value to a "dedicated" IP.

Run /scripts/rebuildhttpconf

Edit the DNS zone for the subdomain (which will likely be attached to the parent domain) and update the a-record to point to that IP as well. Then synchronize the zone out to the DNS cluster, if one exists:

/scripts/dnscluster synczone

Edit /etc/domainips and add an entry for that sudomain to point to the IP and run /scripts/rebuildippool to make sure the IP is marked as taken.

When you've obtained the certificate, go to WHM > Install a SSL Certificate and Setup the Domain and paste in the CRT and CA Bundle for

The fields should auto-populate, in which case you need to make sure the IP is correct, then change the SSL hostname from to the target sub-domain

Click install to install the certificate

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